Friday, October 21, 2011

Fish Guts

In the past 3 months of wandering neighborhoods and hanging out at bus stops, I've noticed quite a few fish heads/bones/guts littering the streets.  Since I work and live right by the sea and rural fishing villages, I pass the fish market daily and share the public bus with buckets of dead sea life.   I figured these fish parts must have been dragged into the roads by strays...the only semi-logical thing I could think of.

I have 2 bus stops of peace from the time I leave work to the time we stop by the fish market.  Unfortunately, the fisherman/fish salesmen leave work at the same time I do, so I have to share the bus with the foulest smelling stink you can imagine for the rest of my journey home.  There are dozens of them and they bring their leaky bags and overflowing buckets of sea crap to spill, slosh, and give their best attempts at making me hurl.

An older lady with a particularly full bucket sat in front of me yesterday and began carefully sifting through her goods. It didn't take long before she had opened the window and was chucking the bad pieces out of the moving bus.  I looked around and noticed a couple others doing it, too.  Light bulb.  So that's how those fish get there...

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