Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Little Things...

People always ask me about the differences between living abroad versus living in America.  I usually stick to the same old obvious list of transportation, language barriers, and grocery shopping, because on the spot I can't think of those day-to-day things that are different.  There are definitely plenty of little things - not bad, just different.

Luckily, with my handy iPhone, I am now able to take pictures of said differences and share.

After some online shopping, I received a text saying that one of my six packages was ready for pick up - from an unmarked truck in a parking lot.  Luckily, Alicia was happy to make the 15 minute journey down the road from work to help me find it.  Thank goodness she did, because I would have never found it by myself.  Still not sure why it wasn't delivered to the school considering that's the address we gave at check out.... In the end, 3 out of 6 of my packages ended up in the truck.  At least it's a good excuse to take a walk at lunch...

Can you imagine if they tried to make you do that in America?  Besides the fact that we demand the quickest, easiest option for ourselves, we are taught at such a young age to avoid unmarked, windowless vehicles.  Oi.


  1. So, was this the Chinese equivalent of our post office? It couldn't have been a UPS-type business, what with no advertising on the vehicle. How nervouse were you when you got there?

  2. No, they have post offices here. Actually, the post office is closer to work than this truck is- I asked Alicia about it and she said she has no idea why it went there. Not nervous, we're in a fishing village and I think it's just the country way of doing it...my guess it in the city itself it wouldn't be handled that way.
