Tuesday, January 22, 2013


With the international teacher job hunting season in full gear, I spent the past weekend in Shanghai at a job fair.

the Starbucks grind
Luckily I was able to enjoy amenities that are scarce in Qingdao: fresh salads, organic spinach and grilled chicken wraps, IKEA, Forever 21, and good wine. I was also so happy to meet up with Inae again, my friend from Korea/savior when my passport was stolen in Shanghai last year.

It was great to have a weekend getaway and have a chance to interview with so many different schools.  Plus I got to wander the streets a bit and enjoy people watching in one of the busiest cities I've ever been to.

Nanjing Lu


Nanjing Lu

The next update will include info on the new job local ;)


  1. Chickens and ducks ;) They're everywhere!

  2. Can you change the print color to something darker? I am trying to print this off to show Grandma, and the text is too light for her to see. She'd enjoy seeing the photos, too, as much as your Dad and I do.

    1. Sorry Ma, can't be done. Perhaps you can print it and read to her?
