Monday, January 7, 2013

End of 2012

Well folks, 2012 has come to an end, thus inspiring me to get to writing a blog entry.  Or perhaps it's the current stomach flu leaving me bored out of my wits and needing to take my mind away from the pain.

A lot has happened in the past six months of non-blogging: meeting Audrey and Jordan in Malaysia for a couple weeks, hitting Singapore, diving in Borneo, meeting my parents in Seoul for a week, catching up with an old college friend in Hangzhou, and most recently- catching up with Bonita and Rachal in the Philippines.

Ideally I'd write a little blurb about each trip to fill in those who rely in this blog for keeping in touch, buuuuut, I just can't do it.  Instead, how about a few of my favorite shots from each place?

Two of my dearest friends, Audrey and Jordan, lugging their suitcases across the beach in Malaysia, July 2012
Pulau Perhentian Island, Malaysia - right outside our place, July 2012

Beautiful Ma with her huge ice cream in Seoul, Oct 2012
Dad enjoying his first legit galbi experience in Seoul, Oct 2012

West Lake, Hangzhou, China

A walk around Apo Island, Philippines, between dives Dec 2012

Our bangka, Honda Bay, Palawan, Philippines Jan 2013

Needless to say, things have been quite eventful and I'm utterly blessed and thankful to be living the life I am.  As the years go by and I lose touch with more people, I grow so much closer to others who have stuck by my side.  I have a fabulous support system of family and friends and I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of them.

I am in the midst of a job hunt for the upcoming school year, so bare with me for news of where I'll take my travels next!

As 2013 kicks off, I wish a healthy and happy year to you all.

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