Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Last American Summer

Those I have seen while stateside know that I ran into quite a bit of trouble leaving the Philippines- bad luck and bad timing at its finest.  To make a long story short, I ended up having to purchase new plane tickets.  Although it hurt my wallet, I was soooo ready to get out of the country.  That being said, I have been on the tightest budget I've ever had to give myself...and I think I'm hanging in there pretty darn well!

When I got back to America after living in Korea, I struggled to answer the question that was thrown at me virtually daily:  "So, how was it?"  There were so many events that happened and people I met that changed my life, I couldn't possibly find the words to answer the way I wanted to.  Now, when I get that question about the Philippines, my face answers for me before any words can come out.  I always have to start with the disclaimer, "I loved the country, Filipinos are the nicest people you'll ever meet, etc..." and then, I just don't know what to say.  To put it bluntly, it sucked.  The experience at my school was absolutely terrible.  The first red flag was when I first got to Angeles City and found out that I had been lied to and brought out on false pretenses.  Let's just say that was the beginning of a downhill spiral that seemed to never end.  NIS was unprofessionalism at its finest: lying, cheating, spitting racial slurs...a great place for children and families alike!

Sunset in Puerto Galera, PI
Okay, with all that being said, I am glad that I had this experience because I did get a refresher on some life lessons that needed to be brought back to my attention ie. trust nobody, go with your gut, stand up for yourself, and money = power, period.

It wasn't all negative:  Bonita, Rachal, and my Early Years Team helped me make the best out of the shitty situation.  Backpacking, surfing, and scuba diving saved my sanity.  Sunsets on the water helped me leave the toxicity of my school behind and enjoy the gorgeous country. I met wonderful people along the way and hope to get back to the PI again once my wounds heal a little.

Sundays @ Eight performing in LA

On to America:
I had the loveliest mini-vacation in Los Angeles staying with Bean and enjoying the cool breeze and sunshine.  I also got to visit with Emil and we were able to go to one of B's dance shows, which was nothing less of amazing!  LA was such a nice, mellow transition from the hair-pulling life I led prior to the visit.

A few days later I headed out to Houston for Audrey's wedding- although we were running around a lot to get stuff done, it was so nice to be able to spend time with the bride-to-be, her family, and Jordan.  I love having the type of friends where we can pick up where we left off like I wasn't away for a year!

Sunrise @ the docks, Myrtle Beach, SC

I was really lucky to have Sherrelle and David came up to visit for 4th of July weekend.  We enjoyed the beach, roller coasters, and fireworks... I definitely wasn't ready for them to leave so quickly!

The rest of my time has been spent in Richmond visiting with my parents, except for the 5 days we headed down to Myrtle Beach, SC.  It's been quiet and relaxing- exactly what I needed.  I've also tried to spend a lot of time smothering Zeppelin, since I won't be seeing him at least for another 2 years.

Packing for China has officially begun...


  1. Merrrrrr! I can't wait to read about all your adventures again! So glad you have started this back up!

    I miss you and think about you all the time! I hope China is infinitely better to you than PI was!

  2. I love reading your posts! I'm behind on them, but loved to see me in this one! Hehe. Miss your face already!
